Big Skye
Skye’s Former Owner Writes:
“Thank you so much for all you have done for Skye. I knew when I brought him to you, and it was confirmed at each visit, that you were absolutely the right person to help him make the transition to a new owner. Your training and care for him have been extraordinary, tailored to his personality and with terrific results. I would not hesitate to highly recommend you and your farm to anyone – selling or buying. I just wish I lived closer so that I could train with you myself! Thank you again for everything you have done for Skye and for me.
Warm regards, Lisa”
2002 17.1 hand dark bay/black Dutch Warmblood gelding. Skye is doing all Third Level movements in his current dressage barn, he has also been shown at Preliminary Level eventing in the past. More recently he did well in jumper classes at A and AA jumper shows in Massachusetts with his owner. He is well behaved in and out of the show ring, and enjoys his hacks out with the grooms while eventing and with his current owner. He really is a sweet boy who loves people, needs, and loves to work. He has a nice soft mouth, is comfortable to sit, and has a sensitive side so he does best with a soft and tactful rider. Although he is tall, the rider in the video and his owner are only 5’5” and do not look small on him – he can accommodate many different sizes. This horse does it all, he even clips perfectly, ships like a pro, and has impeccable stable manners.